CCNA 200-301 Command References
Here’s the (very) beginning of a huge collection of CCNA command references to help you pass the CCNA 200-301 exam! We’ll take an in-depth look at various Cisco router and switch commands that you simply must know in order to earn your CCNA certification and successfully install and troubleshoot today’s networks.
Each command reference will include a fully illustrated discussion of the command’s output, along with real-world scenarios and situations where the command just might come in handy.
The first reference in the series has a little bonus OSPF info for you. Let’s have a look, and I’ll see you throughout June and July 2020 with new CCNA command references!
OSPF Commands:
Coming In July — My New CCNA 200-301 Study Guide, both Volume 1 and Volume 2. Join my email list at the top of this page to be the first to know when it’s available on Amazon!
And yes, my famous CCNA Video Boot Camp is being refreshed for the new exam and will be available on Udemy in July 2020!